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3- Column blog html and Website Development

I spent the last two days trying to get my website finalized. I am happier with it. There is still more that needs to be edited but it is showable. I use the freeware Alleycode which requires that I manually put in the code. There is no dragging and dropping with that program, and wysiwyg is minimal, so I needed some basic html to know how to format my website. I used the HTML Code Tutorial website to help me with basic html code.

Last month I changed this blog from a two-column blog to a three-column blog. To make the 3-column blog, I used the tips-for-new-bloggers website tutorial. It was pretty easy to follow. This particular page link is geared toward blogspot users.

It has been a busy week for me. I am thankful that I got a restful sleep most nights and had the energy to get alot of work done. This morning I got a call from the local newspaper about my up-coming exhibition. I have a meeting with the reporter on Monday, so I hope something fruitful comes out of that meeting. Keeping my fingers crossed.

My random photo tonight is of a Japanese style tea cup I made a few years back. My husband and I went to a two-generation-owned pottery shop in the country. There was no bus out there, but the daughter offered to pick us up at the nearest Subway station which was about 35 minutes away by car. When we were done making our pottery, the parents of the shop happened to be leaving to come back to the city. Once again, they offered to bring us back and dropped us off just down the block from where we live. We were grateful and hope that our appreciation showed through in our many thanks and bows.

Sendai Ceramic tea cup


So excited for your up and coming exhibition..Good for you. Make sure you report on everything..Thanks for all the site tips..Your teacup is lovely..
I still can't get the hang of HTML.

You did a great job with your website. Looks fantastic! (Check your About page though...there's some random symbols/letters by the top that more than likely shouldn't be there)

Best of luck with your upcoming exhibition.
GalleryJuana said…
High Desert, I have Japanese written in kanji (chinese symbols) on that page. I hadn't taken into account that they would show up as random symbols on some computers. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I will have to make a note.

Rosebud and Elle(previous post), thanks for stopping by.
kim* said…
that is a neat cup. i thought it was made from a tin can and painted black or fooled me!
Chris Stone said…
Nice looking website and blog! hopefully this fall I'll get that stuff fixed up.

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