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Shadow Shot Sunday

I love Autumn and so does my cat. She has her favorite perch by the window. This morning she tried to get me up and out of bed twice by jumping on me. First time at 7:30 a.m. didn't work, but the 8:30 one did. While I sat at my desk, half-asleep, sipping my coffee, she enjoyed her morning sun. For some reason, she wants me up in order to enjoy her sunning. What can I say? I love her dearly, so what she says, rules. And I got this shadow shot of her.

After the coffee took effect, I was glad to be up. It was a beautiful, sunny morning. In the evening, we had our first snow. It melted as soon as it hit the ground, but it felt good to see the snow.

For more shadow shots and to learn how to join, visit Hey Harriet's blog.


A Wild Thing said…
What a beautiful shot of your regal Siamese, tail twitching, always on the guard...

We had only a skiff last night, but the sun eludes us today, but not the winds here on the Great Plains...oh the dreary days of winter...
bobbie said…
This is a beautiful shot of your cat, and interesting shadows. It must be nice to have a perch like that one and spend your time gazing out of the window.
Hot Fudge said…
I think I'm coming back as your cat!
Gemma Wiseman said…
Love your cat's personal dreaming post! And the shadow effects are simply magical!
Kat said…
oh I love the little face peering in the shadow, what fabulous view of the world! Happy SSS
Michelle said…
What a gorgeous cat, love the pic :D
Hey Harriet said…
*Hello Kitty!*

This is a gorgeous photo of your cat. There's so much going on in the image, it's just lovely.

Your cat obviously adores you & simply wanted to share as much of the beautiful day with you as possible.

Or kitty was hungry & wanted an early breakfast ;)
Anonymous said…
That's funny that she wants you to keep her company in her sunning. We love their quirky personalities, don't we? Nice shadow shot.
Alissa Nicolau said…
Very cool shadow shot.
your cat sounds adorable, I really like that perch as well. maybe she thinks that the sunning moment is so comfortable that you will enjoy it too! cats like to share stuff when they like you =)
GalleryJuana said…
Thanks, everyone for coming by.

Sweet repose, winter is fast-approaching here too.

kat, yes, I liked that face shadow too!

bobby, greyscale, that is her favorite morning spot.

alissa and magic, thank you!

hey harriet, I had thought she was hungry too, but she had food in her dish. Next, I thought she wanted to play. Playing was not it either. Just my company.

lemon, sara, and hot fudge, she is adorable. And you are so right that she wants to share the moment, so I am touched by that.
What a wonderful picture..The shadows are so nice..Beautiful cat.
Dianne said…
beautiful light and cat and shadows

what a wonderful thing to wake up to

I love snow that falls and melts
luvmyboys said…
I love the shadow profile! said…
so nice of you to make a sunny perch for your kitty complete with pretty shadows too.
My doggie is the same way. I am only allowed to sleep in for so long & then she wants me back to routine. sometimes I think our beloved pets know what is good for us!
Great shot! I love the shadows on her body:)
Chubby Chieque said…
Wow, this is a wonderful shot! It seems your cat know how to pose for you to have a perfect SS…

Unknown said…
she likes to experience the beauty of morning with you. how sweet. :-)
Sandra Evertson said…
The peaceful beauty of a quite cat.... Lovely photo! And LOVE the two pieces below!
Sandra Evertson
GalleryJuana said…
Lily, I have to agree that sometimes our pets know what is best for us.

flytie, I think she does:)

thanks for visiting and your most wonderful comments!
That is quite a perch! My kitty would love one of those se she could sit in the afternoon sun and look out the window.. if only she could see how to get up there! (She's mostly blind now, just from the past few months)

Great shot!

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