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10 habits and Shadow Shot Sunday

#94 of Keri Smith's 100 ideas: Write 10 Habits You Have.

1. Coffee and something sweet for breakfast. I don't have an appetite until the afternoon. I know having a good breakfast is important, but I sure do enjoy my sweets with my cup of coffee which I sip slowly well into the late morning.

2. I wash my face every night before going to sleep.

3. I drink coffee out of the same cup every morning.

4. I keep my vitamins on my desk but forget to take them most of the time.

5. I try to remember my dreams when I wake up.

6. I carry my art journal every where I go, in case I have a free moment to draw.

7. I eat homemade tamales for Christmas whenever I am home for the holidays. We all stay up past midnight making them, and have the first batch just after midnight.

8. I "knock on wood", even though I know better.

9. I usually stay up past midnight.

10. I talk to my cat all the time. My husband never knows if I am talking to him or not.

Sputnik, siamese cat, in her cave
Shadow Shot Sunday
Sputnik was in her cave the other day. Her ear casts a cute shadow.
For more shadow shots, please visit Hey Harriet's Blog.


Sputnik's that shot.

My husband never knows if I'm talking to him, the cat, or the dog!
bobbie said…
Look at that wonderful shadow! Love it. :D
glentwistle said…
Don't you think we get better responses from our cats than our husbands?
Sylvia K said…
What a great shadow! such detail, each hair! Love it!
hee hee hee! Yes....husbands DO wonder who we are talking to at times don't they?
Sputnik's got the right idea....curling up in a cave....sounds good today!!
Hot Fudge said…
My husband doesn't know if I'm talking to him or not, and we don't even own a cat. Love the shot.
EG CameraGirl said…
Awe. Cute kitty. I enjoyed your ten points. ;-)

My Shadow Shot Sunday post is at
More of Me - EG
Alissa Nicolau said…
The detail is fantastic. Great shadow shot!
PJ said…
The perfect photo for Caturday. I'm all blissed out just looking at it.
Hey Harriet said…
Not only is it a cute shadow, but the entire photo is spectacular! I love everything about this!

We share a couple of the same habits. I always drink my coffee out of the same cup in the morning. If I don't my whole day is ruined and I must return to bed immediately ;)
Shannon said…
very clever shadow shot! Was she playing peek-a-boo?
Anonymous said…
Cute ja shy:)
What a wonderful picture..beautiful. I talk to myself all the time..I tease my husband and tell him, I get the best answers that one disagrees with me. Happy SSS.
Anonymous said…
Love your shadow shot, and your habits are nice, too. I like my morning coffee with nothing but my cat and my dog, for the sweets!
GalleryJuana said…
Ginger, my cat sits on my lap, while I have my coffee, so I know what you mean about our pets being a sweet part of our morning.

I have enjoyed reading everyone's comments. And I guess not the only one who has a confused husband:)
ZenDotStudio said…
love the shot of Sputnik's ear. Shows she is really listening to you. our cat sleeps behind the door in front of the heating vent. we also refer to it as her "cave"
PJ said…
Nice try, Tracy! '~)
PJ said…
Juana, do you do any Moku Hanga?
luvmyboys said…
I love the little fuzz shadows from her ears.

Too funny about your husband! I think they're all the same the world over! LOL!
Anonymous said…
Fantastic shadow shot. Such a detailed shadow of Sputnik's hairy ear. I can almost hear her purring from here.

I try to remember my dreams too. So frustrating receiving little flashes from a dream the night before and nothing seems to make any sense. I guess they're not meant to.
kari and kijsa said…
What a great shot!!
kari & kijsa
Chris Stone said…
Sputnik is the cat. lol.
Unknown said…
very cute kitty shadow!

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