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Blood Types and the Year of the Dragon

I get a kick out of checking my horoscope in the newspaper when I am in the States. The astrological signs are not as popular in Japan as blood types. Most here will ask, "What's your blood type?" Your blood type hints at your character and how you may behave in the future. Do you know your blood type? I am not really sure of mine.

Type A
Best traits Earnest, creative, sensible
Worst traits Fastidious, overearnest

Type B
Best traits Wild, active, doer
Worst traits Selfish, irresponsible

Type AB
Best traits Cool, controlled, rational
Worst traits Critical, indecisive

Type O
Best traits Agreeable, sociable, optimistic
Worst traits Vain, rude

(chart is thanks to Wikipedia)

My shadow shots last Sunday were about my visit to a local shrine. Today's photo is from that same visit. My Chinese Zodiac is the Dragon. Evidently, I prefer to live by my own rules! The shrine had a small statue for each sign and I got my shadow on the Dragon.

To tour the world of shadows, be sure to visit Hey Harriet's Blog.


Chris Stone said…
That's interesting about the blood type horoscope. I'm not too sure what my blood type is. *used to be too anemic to donate.*

nice shadow pic! hopefully I'll get one done this week!
Sylvia K said…
Great shadow shot! Interesting blood type horoscope -- not sure what mine is either and probably wouldn't want to know what it said about me anyway! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
readingsully2 said…
That is interesting. I often wondered why we have different types of blood and for what purpose. It is not a race it is just one of those quirky things we will probably never know the answer to.

Great shadow shot.
Great shadow & thanks for the new trivia...I never knew that blood types could determin your personality. I'd have to say that it is right for my best assets: agreeable, sociable, optimistic...however I don't think the worst ones were "spot on!"
Catherine said…
Great dragon.. I think I am type A negative and a rat...what does that make me???
Hey Harriet said…
I never knew that about blood types. Interesting! I very much like your dragon shadow shot. I'm guessing that the dragon would be Type-B :)
purplecat said…
very interesting! I am an A blood type and I see that means I am creative... thats right then!
I am also a dragon, not sure what that means though.
A it..I might have said this before to you..I am a dragon in the Chinese Astro..and you know what, I am always spitting fire..
O neg is the blood type..Aries otherwise..Lord help me..Since Aries is ruled by Mars, another touch of fire. Sometimes, I scare everyone..ha, ha..
Interesting! Some people here dabble in the blood type mixed with chinese and western horoscopes all rolled into one! Lovely shadow shot too!

You are tagged on my blog, do check it out =)
Marlene said…
Love the photo, very interesting about the blood type - I used to know mine but really can't remember what it is.
A Wild Thing said…
I'm clueless too on blood type, shows you how often I visit the clinic(never), however, I do love the dragon statue!
Dianne said…
I have always been partial to dragons
Poetic Artist said…
Blood type that is interesting. Thanks for sharing..
Julie said…
hummm. I am a b group Nice dragon
Dorte said…
Very interesting about the blood type - had not heard about that before. I forgot what type I am though ...
Very nice shadow shot :-)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Lovely art work. :)
GalleryJuana said…
I am glad to know I am not the only one who doesn't know my blood type.

Thanks everyone for dropping by:)
Anonymous said…
I do know my blood type. Your chart is spot on, although what differences are there between positive and negative bloods. Does an O neg mean the opposite of the O pos description?

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