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Blue-eyed Siamese Cat flies to Japan

Today was filled with my art and time with Sputnik. She was bathing herself which gave me the chance to catch a photo of her.

I actually adopted Sputnik as a kitten in 1998 when I was living in Mexico. She made the long trip with me to Japan on July 25, 2004. It took me about 6 months to plan the logistics of bringing her from Mexico to Japan. Since I had to fly via the U.S. on Mexicana Airlines and Korean Airlines, that meant 4 countries and two airlines would need to approve her transport. There were many details to keep track of for each country and airline.

my siamese cat, sputnik

After 6 months of stressful planning, 16 hours of two airline flights and layovers, She made it to Japan safely! Korean Air allowed her to fly with me as my carry-on luggage, which was a relief for me. No worrying about whether she was scared or left at the Los Angeles airport! I didn't give her any tranquilizer to sedate her. Yet, she was quiet the entire flight and went unnoticed by other passengers. I had an entire row to myself in the back of the plane for no extra charge. Thank you Korean Air.

To see more pet photos, please visit Pet Pride and for animals of all sorts Camera Critters.


Tracy said…
Sputnik is such a grand beauty, Juana... Her jewel-like eyes are hauntingly beautiful! What an amazing story of how you finally got Sputnik with you in Japan . 6 months--that's a long time! Each day with her must be all the sweeter for having had this ordeal. I keep scrolling up to look at her sweet face...what a doll! Happy weekend, my friend :o)
GalleryJuana said…
Hi Tracy, I took about 10 photos to get this one. Hopefully, next time I can use a tripod!
readingsully2 said…
This is a gorgeous cat, Juana, as I have mentioned before. That was quite a trip and little easier than my flight from Alaska with one of mine. Was there a quarantine in Japan?

If you get a chance...last day for Treasure Hunt.
Anya said…
Hi Juana
Its a touching story !!
Thanks Korean Air ^___^
6 mounths stress......... ;(

Sputnik is a BEAUTY :)
I never seen such a beautiful cat with bleu eyes.
Sputnik (is also a dutch word but it means a snack by the snackbar .... LOL )
(Thanks for your sweet words about our blog :)
We sending purrs and hugs to Japan

Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)
GalleryJuana said…
Reading, I remember your story about bringing your cat from Alaska. That was some trip!

Because my cat didn't have a mircrochip, she had to be quarantined for 10 days at the airport quarantine facility. That was another detail to take care of prior to entering the country with her.

Anya, thanks for translating her name into your language. That is too funny. I know the name from the first Russian rocket.
Amy said…
Look at those gorgeous blue eyes!!
Poetic Artist said…
She is beautiful..It makes me miss my cat Sophia..She looks alot like her..She is gone now but it seems we still miss them..Just like people.
Snap said…
Sputnik is a a beautiful kitty. Such a wonderful story. We do love our fur babies, don't we!?? !!! Korean Air -- well, done!
Martha said…
Gorgeous eyes. It is great she was able to travel by your side~

Camera Critters
Jane said…
Aww Siamese are the best( looks like an old fashioned type), unusual for her to be in the hold, nice photo thanks for sharing:)
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous cat, and a wonderful photo. I'm glad she made the trip ok, too!
Mara said…
I can understand why you went through all that trouble, she is absolutely gorgeous! I wouldn't have wanted to leave her either...
What a world traveler she is!
jabblog said…
Beautiful cat - so pleased to hear your flight and hers were relatively stress-free. Such gorgeous eyes - I take it she's a house cat?
Anonymous said…
Beautiful, beautiful eyes!
nonizamboni said…
A gorgeous girl! And I'm happy all went well. This is a beautiful photograph, by the way :O)
GalleryJuana said…
jabblog, yes she is a house cat.

Thank you everyone for stopping by:)
Bruce said…
She certainly is a beautiful cat. I am glad you got to take her with you:)
Susan Cook said…
I'm glad she finally made it safely. Beautiful eyes!
Sarah said…
She is so lovely! Well done getting her all that way! I once took my cat on the train strapped onto the back of my bike and I had to leave her in the guard's van as he would not let me hold the bike in the corridor and I could not undo all the complicated strapping! I felt so guilty!
magiceye said…
hey sputnik! great to see you on Pet Pride
you sure have travelled a lot! don't forget visit all the others here and listen to their stories too!


Tulip said…
what a cute siamese blue eyes.

Manz said…
Tracey stated it perfectly... "Her jewel-like eyes are hauntingly beautiful!" Those eyes really are amazing!!

Sputnik has done more travelling than I... and she did so great with the trip. My "kids" (my cats) won't shut up on the shortest of trips!
mimi said…
mine is siamese too. beautiful post, love his blue eyes.
Anonymous said…
What a story - so glad it has a happy ending!

And that picture is stunning - just like your cat!
i beati said…
a true beauty
Gemma Wiseman said…
The depth of crystal blue in those eyes is simply amazing! A very beautiful cat who looks well loved!
lv2scpbk said…
Beautiful eyes. My Link
Glennis said…
Good on Korean Airways, they were very understanding towards your much loved cat. It was a really big thing for you to move your lovely cat to another Nation. Glad your both settled happily together now. I have had many delightful Siamese cats and know how close they become to us. My Beautiful Krishna was my soul mate. She has been gone 25 years now but she is still ever in my thoughts, I feel her near me still.
Anonymous said…
Haunting blue eyes. Glad Sputnik was able to travel well and be with you thanks to Korean Air!
Sputnik is gorgeous, the eyes are blue jewels! and wow I never imagined anyone was able to take abroad any pets as carry-ons, korean air was so nice to allow that!
Carla said…
I think I could stare into those dreamy eyes all day, thank goodness she was finally able to travel with you. Enjoy:)
Chris Stone said…
she is so beautiful. those eyes are exquisite! so glad she was able to make the move with you!
Back massager said…
This is truly cool, I never knew about this cat, nevr even heard, thanks for the post really, I will tell my friends about it as well.

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