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Rebinding my Moleskin

outside cover
After spending several days experimenting with the moleskin's thin paper, I decided I couldn't make that paper work. Then it was a matter of getting over my fear of taking apart the moleskin. Once I conquered that fear, I turned to my Husband and Sputnik and said, "I'm taking this moleskin apart, wish me luck!"

Outside cover front
I then spent the rest of the day cutting watercolor 140lb paper and drawing paper down to size for my signature to replace the thin paper.

Then came the fun part of collaging the cover inside and out.  I used pages from a Japanese paperback, colored washi, origami paper, and word definitions from an old dictionary.  I might add a title and a line drawing to the outside cover.

The word on the front cover is "absolve" and on the back cover, "absorb."  My project theme is "adhere to me".  In my mind, it's all coming together.


Marlene said…
Juana, it looks great, I have been reading several blogs that are participating in this project. Sophia at Blue Chair Diary is starting a new place for those doing this project to come together you might find it interesting or helpful, here is the link to her blog about it:
GalleryJuana said…
marlene, thank you for letting me know about sophia's list.
Hello! So glad you found me and I found you. You're quite inspiring. :) I'm looking forward to getting to know you and taking a spin through your blog to catch up. Yeah!

Can you please leave me your email in a comment on my blog? I will NOT post it for others to see. I just want to add you as an author to the Sketchbook blog of mine so you can post anytime you want. Whether it is about your progress, questions, or even ideas to help guide others alone in this project.

Hugs! Happy Sunday! :)
readingsully2 said…
This is lovely, Juana. Nice job.:)
EG CameraGirl said…
Your work is beautiful!
jcsvisuals said…
Wonderful now following found you through etsy forum.

Love Asian brush forms...
jcsvisuals said…
Wonderful now following found you through etsy forum.

Love Asian brush forms...
zendotstudio said…
I love your cover and your words! Looking forward to seeing the inside as it grows. What fun!

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