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Cat Drawing, Sunday Sketches

sputnik, February 2011
Sputnik, February 05, 2011, pencil on paper

While Sputnik was getting ready to curl up on her bed, I drew this quick sketch of her.

To view more sketches, hop over to Sophia's blog.


Shayla said…
Loving this! Are your inside shapes the ones you used to make this cat? I wish I could understand how to see shapes within would help me sooo much!
GalleryJuana said…
Hi Shayla,

Yes, I drew the circles inside based on the shapes or shadows I saw in my cat's figure. Then I sketched her figure using the circles and her as guides. I've drawn my cat so many times that I can break her into shapes now. At first, it was difficult.

Thank you for the visit:}
Virtual Boy said…
Beautiful, cats are so expressive with their body language! You caught that perfectly in this!
Kristin Dudish said…
I think this sketch is amazing... I so love your line quality (I've probably said that before, but it is worth repeating). There is such a freeness in your drawings that I really admire.
Marlene said…
gorgeous Juana. Loved seeing how you get the shapes, I have tried that before but as has been said, it is harder to do than it looks. You are amazing.
WrightStuff said…
You really captured all that muscle power in the cat. Such a simple sketch but so spot on
oh WOw, this is a great sketch. Love how you captured your cat.
so real - I could almost pet Sputnik!
simple lines that show so much!
cheers, dana
Reflections said…
Simple lines, yet you captured the essence of his body, his stance, the muscles holding as he eyes something. nice
Morph Waffle said…
Love your cat's name, great frawing, love seeing the pencil with the ink lines draw on top.
Christine said…
oh that is a lovely sketch of your cat.
Tammie Lee said…
this is wonderful
i love what you do with lines~
Julia Christie said…
Love your kitty's name! and this sketch is so fluid and simple and I love it! Great job!!

Debbie said…
Such a realistic sketch and I wish I could draw from shapes like that! Nice job!
Abby / Linda said…
Simple, but striking! I love the lines of this sketch.
lissa said…
you've got the shape just right
Heather Foust said…
I love this sketch! So simple but so beautiful!
Denise G said…
Nothing like drawign form life and cats are such great models. You surely captured her essence!
I really enjoy how you show us lines/objects to form your drawings. I have a book that walks one through art as you do and should make it a goal to start going through it.

Thank you for being a part of SS! It means alot to me. :)
gatheringwonder said…
fabulous work - love the lines
Tracy said…
The flow and shapes are fantastic here, Juana... really get a great sense of the placement and even movement of bones & muscles! :o)
Cori Lynn Berg said…
Oh I just love contour drawings of cats. Kudos to you! They are supremely difficul!
Heather said…
Great sketch! Wow, love how you captured the essence of the cat with your line work. xo
Helen said…
Love the freedom this sketch shows. The movement and lack of detail. Wonderful
Unknown said…
Love your cat! Hey, Juana, do you like selling on Etsy? Give you any problems? Easy or difficult to operate?
GalleryJuana said…

I've tried several different online selling venues, and Etsy is the one that is working out best for me.

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