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spoons, shadows and sketches

Do you have a preferred spoon or fork that you eat with?   I tend to like the heavier and thicker variety.  I hold pencils, forks and the like between my middle finger and my ring finger, so the thicker variety tend to be more comfortable. The one in the photo below is good for drawing although not one I'd use.

my latest spoon model for my "encyclopeadia of collections" theme for the sketchbook project 2012 and my favorite mechanical pencil.

The kitchen drawer is filled with two sets of flatware.   One set is my Mother's wedding set and the other is my Sister's wedding set.  Mixed in with those are singles.  These singles are old and abused and came to us in one way or another.  They have their safe haven in this drawer.

Inspired by the various designs on these mismatched singles, I drew a spoon and fork and added the background color with software.

forks and spoons

For more sunday shadows, visit Tracy's blog.

For more Sunday Sketches, visit Sophia's blog.


Ralph said…
The spoon leaves a neat shadow underneath, and this utensil has a nice pattern, too. I like heavier flatware, I like the feeling of heft and really, the heavier ones do the work, the weight and shape allowing the spoon/fork to do the work instead of you muscling it to make it work.

We don't have a sentimental set of flatware, gifts in the past flowing to the utensil drawer. I'd love to use real silverware instead of modern day stainless...
Poetic Artist said…
How I love old silverware..It's beauty and detail..Love what you have done..You are really working on different aspects of your art.
I am loving it..
Hugs and blessings.
Sylvia K said…
I, too, love old silverware! It does have a beauty and design that you don't often see anymore! Great shadow shots for the day! Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend!

Ms. Becky said…
there's something so very comforting about this photo. I like it very much. and I don't know how I missed Sputnik in the previous post. I'm glad I found her this time around. what a face. she's beautiful and I love that photo. happy SSS, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Hey Harriet said…
What a creative shadow shot! I love your sketches and I prefer to use heavy cutlery too! Heavy and big cutlery so I can fit more food onto the utensil ;)

I hope you're having a lovely weekend so far!
RNSANE said…
I, too, like the feel of heavy silver and cutlery in my hand. It's fun finding pieces at antique shops and, then, wondering about the lives of people who might have used them.

My offering is at:

Hope your week ahead is lovely!
Marlene said…
Love the shadows in the photo and the sketch is awesome. I haven't even started my sketchbook yet, I chose "The Gray Side of Life" as my theme.
WrightStuff said…
It would make a great surface pattern design. Look lovely on a tea towel!
Heather said…
oh yes, i have to agree with lisa, those spoons would look great on a tea towel...great spoon work!
i have one set in my drawer....have a great day
Joni Nickrent said…
Wonderful work to make a utensil a work of art! Love the simple lines and fun patterns!
Morph Waffle said…
I love your spoons and forks, they're wonderful! I tend to use a smaller fork myself!
GalleryJuana said…
It's interesting to read about everyone's flatware choice!
Anonymous said…
Your drawing is beautiful.
I have a few mismatched in my drawer too. :)
lissa said…
great drawings, very nice decorative design on them

have a lovely day.
Christine said…
nice choice of subject. I've never thought about whether I'd prefer the cutlery thicker. I'm thinking I prefer stoneware dishes as opposed to fine china as they are not so delicate.
Sheryl Hastings said…
I actually do have a spoon I prefer. How funny! Never realized it or owned up to it until now.

I love the pictures of your cats. Especially the Saimese. They are different than any cat I've ever had. And they KNOW it!
EVA said…
Lovely spoon art! Love the black/white contrast.
Kristin Dudish said…
This is a beautiful addition to your "collection" drawings... I love the patterns!


p.s. I also hold my pen between my middle and ring finger... it was only recently that I discovered most people don't.
Neat silverware sketches! We have quite a variety in my house, thanks to the combining of mine and Ogre's collections.
Tracy said…
Hi, Juana! Love the pretty decorative details on your spoon... Really enjoying your collections post. I love old tableware, the feel of it, the experience eating with it, but realize I don't have much of it as a collection. I have a thing for fine porcelain, and prefer bone china cups to drink tea in. It's interesting to consider the everyday items we use and why! :o) Happy Week ((HUGS))
Love, LOVE your spoons. Vey sssweeet! :) Sorry for the delay in responding. Hugs
Unknown said…
very nice rendering of the utensils. it's look great framed and hanging in a kitchen.

i do prefer certain forks/spoons over others. not too fond of those with the plastic around the base. i'd rather all metal.
ZenDotStudio said…
Well I'm a little late showing up here, but the garden has my full attention (except today when it's raining!) I love the stylized quality of your flatware. So simple and clean.

Love that even the spoons have a safe haven! I have a lot of mismatched flatware and have favourites among them.
zendotstudio said…
Love the stylized quality of your flatware, so simple spare and clean.

And I love that even cutlery has a safe haven. I have a lot of mismatched pieces and have my favourites among them!

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