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zine, wip

zine migration wip

The past couple of weeks I have been working on my first zine, "Migration". I've become addicted to reading zines as well. They are self-published, usually photocopied, original or appropriated material. The ones I've purchased have been the author's original material.

What have you been reading lately?


I finished the migration zine, issue 1, and now have it in my galleryjuana shop on etsy. The link is in my sidebar to the right.

The asterisk throughout the zine refers to my resources. I meant to put these links in the zine but thought a clickable link would be better, so here they are:


Tammie Lee said…
that sounds like an interesting study and enjoyment, collecting exploring and making a zine!
Tam Hess said…
I love zines too. I don't think I could do that...seems like really smart deep thinkers are good at those? I can be deep but not sure the depth is all that smart. haha! I've been reading magazines, see not so deep. BUT I love the drawings you've done so far in your zine and the subject matter look really interesting. Love those little feet!
Sabina said…
Love zines! Used to have one back in the day with comics and band interviews--looking forward to seeing yours. I sometimes think it would be nice to go back to doing DIY print. It's a lot of fun, but also a hell of a lot of work. Makes maintaining a blog look like amateur stuff in comparison.
Lynn Cohen said…
looks like fun. not familiar yet with zines.
reading real books I hold in my hand made from paper bound and printed by machines. sort of old fashion I know, but then so am I.
Abby / Linda said…
Never got into zines! Sounds interesting!
Tracey FK said…
Can't wait to see the zine... I am in the middle of drawing my first as well... it is a great challenge... xx
Molly said…
can't wait to see your zine. i have seen a few that are just incredible. i haven't ventured down that path yet. good luck with it!
Tracy said…
VERY exciting the zine you're putting together, Juana! I love zines too. My newsletter is sort of my zine for now, but I have grander plans for it one day. ;o) Keep us posted on your progress. At the moment I'm reading books on marketing for creative people. Happy Days ((HUGS))
Heather said…
very cool. i can't wait to see it...i did one for my mouse madeline, it's fun to make them!
Tracy said…
Back again to thank you for the kind comment at my place. So glad you enjoyed the recipe for the wholewheat Irish soda bread recently shared a couple weeks ago for Lammas. Irish soda breads are my bread-baking of choice since they require no yeast, no kneading--just make and bake! ;o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

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