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Bee and Orange Blossoms - shadow shot sunday

The orange blossoms are in full bloom.  I spent some time trying to get close enough to get a shot.  The buzzing sound of the bees and the sweet fragrance of the blossoms was hypnotic.

Bee I April 2011

Bee II April 2011

I hope everyone had a good week and is enjoying their weekend.

For more shadow shot blog hopping, visit HeyHarriet's blog.


Anonymous said…
Amazing photos - I can almost here the bee buzzing!!
Sylvia K said…
Oh, amazing indeed!! I can hear him buzzing, too! Fantastic captures for the day! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy!

Kathryn Dyche said…
Great shot . . . I recently bought a new macro lens and am waiting patiently for the butterflies and bees to come and visit so I can try taking some pics.
Ms. Becky said…
these are fantastic shots - for their color and shadows. simply sensuous. I can almost smell that sweet fragrance. very nice. happy SSS.
Ralph said…
The bee is truly busy, the nectar needed for nutrition in the swarming hive. She is so hard at work, she doesn't notice (nor care about) the photographer working at her craft. We viewers are happy of the unaware insect, because the capture is great! Bees and flowers say 'spring' better than anything!
Rajlakshmi said…
wowww those are amazing captures :D
awesome :D
Stef said…
Oh my! It's as if I'm just an inch away from that bee. Great shot!
Happy Sunday! Here's my entry, hope you can dropby my site . Thanks!
jcsvisuals said…
How wonderful, you've captured a moment...
EVA said…
Wow! Great shots, Juana!
Lighthousegal said…
You must have a great camera to capture those shots. They are such close up shots, I can see the detail of the bees and the flowers.
Thanks for sharing!!
Hey Harriet said…
Gosh you sure are brave to get that close to a bee. I do love bees but don't fancy their stings! Lovely lovely photos! And a sweet coincidence as I just planted some of those orange blossoms this morning. I hope they grow up to be as beautiful as yours :)
Marlene said…
Gorgeous photo, you have framed it so beautifully.
Duni said…
Oooh - what a thrilling shot! So beautiful. Visiting here from EBT :)

have a great week!

GalleryJuana said…
Thank you for your lovely comments and visits!
Amanda said…
Gorgeous photos! They make me feel like it's summer!
Lovely macros -- bees are hard to do! Well done.
Wow...what amazing shots!!!

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