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sketchbook project and shadow sunday

The primary reason for visiting San Francisco in June was to see the Art House Coop Sketchbook Project at Madrone Studios. There was quite a crowd which meant long lines for checking out books. The Art House staff were well prepared, organized and patient. After a couple of hours there, I still hadn't viewed all the sketchbooks on my list and I was thirsty and hungry. I hope to see the 2012 tour, and I'll be sure to bring a bottle of water and snack.

Upon entering Madrone Studios in San Francisco, you're greeted by this amazing sculpture. Above is the shadow of the sculpture with the actual sculpture in the photo below. I didn't see the Artist's name anywhere.

Sculpture at Madrone Studios, San Francisco

Wishing everyone a good weekend!
visit heyharriet's blog for more shadows.


Sylvia K said…
Amazing and very interesting sculpture and what a terrific shadow shot for the day! Enjoy your weekend!!

Ralph said…
The sculpture is massive if not a bit scary in 'person'. Yet with the bold detailing, we actually look and look, forgetting our personal safety...

In shadow, this being is more demure, perhaps softer in personality. As if the shadow is the real soft subject and the sculpture its alter ego. Art is like that - we often are compelled by it to reconsider the old and consider the new...
Ms. Becky said…
whoa, I like the sculpture, too bad there was no name. it almost looks headless as a shadow, and I like the shadow even more. it's very cool. happy SSS.
EG CameraGirl said…
Amazing the detail in the sculpture! And it makes such an interesting shadow.
Linda said…
Really great captures!
Lighthousegal said…
Wow! That is a really interesting sculpture with some great shadows! Thanks for sharing!
Hootin Anni said…
Priceless...both in shadow and sculpture!!!!

My Sunday Link: Shadow of Old Glory

Hope your weekend is treating you well!!
Poetic Artist said…
Always love the shadow shots but the sculpture is wonderful..I hope you are having a nice peaceful and inspired weekend..
readingsully2 said…
Neat Shadow shot. Sculpture is interesting too. The shadow shot looks like a monster.
Very good post.
Excellent photo of sculpture.

Hey Harriet said…
Haha! Funny how the head appears to have shrunken in the shadow! Sounds like you had a fun time. Yes, you must remember to take water and snacks along next time! I hope you have a lovely week ahead :)
Tracy said…
Love the shadow play this time, Juana! That sculpture really breaks down the body & our existence... has me thinking! Happy Week, my friend! Oh, I am actually launching a new blog today, with new creative focus--I'm very excited about it. In a few weeks I'll be closing Pink Purl. Thanks for visiting me there. ((HUGS))
Anonymous said…
Hi there,

I like this sculpture, so how are you?

ZenDotStudio said…
I love San Francisco. Hope you had time to do some fun things there. You mean you didn't see any sketch books??

Very powerful sculpture, it's like all the tendons and muscles on the outside make it seem so strong!
GalleryJuana said…
Thank you all for your comments.
ZenDotStudio, I viewed lots of sketchbooks, just couldn't get through my whole list. I had a great time on that trip!

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