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Wasabi, Eloping and Sketchbook Project 2012

I'm slowly but surely filling up this "Encyclopedia of" themed sketchbook.  I think I'm going to try and have this in the mail by Jan 2, 2012.  These are the latest sketches and thoughts that I've added since October.  Excerpts from each hand-written page follow each image.

eye and nose
opening page
fork and spoon
Fork and Spoon and my memory of telling my parents I'm moving in with my boyfriend.
More than 25 years ago, my husband and I eloped.  Before eloping, we lived together for about a year. I remember what my Mother said when I told her I was moving in with my boyfriend (now my husband).  She said, "Hay Muchacha!"  Then she told me to tell my Father.  Darn, I thought she'd tell him for me.  My Father said, "I guess that's how it's done nowadays."   After we eloped, I told my Mom that we had gotten married.  She said, "Gracias a Dios."  I'm thankful that my parents gave me just enough freedom to make the choices I felt strongly about making.

contents of my bag
the contents in my bag
1.  a wasabi root that I had forgotten I had in my bag.
2.  a toothbrush
3.  sumi ink stick that cost me about 40 USD
4.  sumi ink brush
5.  gym membership card
6.  old airline boarding pass
7.  keys
8.  Thailand souvenir a student gave me
9.  a bottle cap (why? now that's a good question)
10. cash
11. coins
12. mini-calculator
13. business card for the gym with a pic of a distraught man
14. key chain my sister gave me
15. small art journal

linking up with just journals link party


Fallingladies said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog, I love your sketchbook pages! Very spare and thoughtful!
Anonymous said…
I like the list of what is in your bag. And your sketchbook progress. Very intriguing. xox Corrine
Tricia said…
Nice journal pages - I like how you sketch and journal on opposing pages. Cool that you will complete your journal. That much feel great.

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